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Consultant Profile: J. Scott Mace Area Center: Florence Title: Business Consultant Start Date: June 16, 2021

QUESTION: What was your career track prior to joining the SC SBDC? ANSWER: I spent 7 years in National Account Sales prior to founding a company specializing in Consumer Products Marketing and Performance Improvement programs for emerging industries. I am a graduate of Wofford College (BA – Business Economics) and Emory University (MBA).

QUESTION: What motivated you to become an SC SBDC consultant? ANSWER: I have found that helping others provides great purpose and reward. I just happen to have a skill set and passion for business development that I found is an ideal match with the purpose and vision of the SC SBDC.

QUESTION: What is the best piece of advice you would offer an aspiring business owner? ANSWER: Nothing trumps revenue. In order to spend your efforts generating new customers and sales, implement business systems early that are scalable with your business as it grows and always improve them. One of the first is a good accounting program with clean management. Lack of process deters growth.

QUESTION: What area of interest/expertise do you offer your clients? ANSWER: Business Management, Process Implementation, Marketing Strategy and Accounting.

QUESTION: Since becoming an SC SBDC consultant, what is your greatest accomplishment? ANSWER: It has been very rewarding assisting several clients on new business start-ups. It is special when a client is able to see early success and is disciplined about re-investing in their business growth.

QUESTION: Why is the SC SBDC an important resource for business owners in South Carolina? ANSWER: At the SC SBDC Centers around the state, we as consultants work with businesses in virtually all sectors. This provides a unique canvas of expertise for us to offer best practice advice and guidance.

QUESTION: What is your favorite part about working for the SC SBDC? ANSWER: I enjoy talking to people about their business and dreams. Running a business is hard work and it is rewarding to assist clients by providing an ‘outside’ perspective.



USC Moore School of Business     1014 Greene Street     Columbia, SC 29208

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