“Why take your car to the shop when the shop can come to you?” Thanks to Pete’s Mobile Auto & Truck Repairs, car owners in the Midlands now have one less hassle to contend with when repairing or servicing their automobiles. In fact, thanks to the efforts of the SC Small Business Development Centers consultant Cheryl Salley, Pete’s obtained the infusion of capital it needed to expand its core business.
“When we visited our first bank we were fortunate to have met with James Chatfield. He recognized that we were anxious and that our loan application was a total wreck,” said Sandra Wells, Co-Owner of Pete’s Mobile Auto & Truck Repairs. “Instead of rushing us out the door, however, James recommended we contact Cheryl to receive the guidance we needed to prepare a comprehensive loan application. Even better, we didn’t have to pay for the expert advice we received. It was a free ride.”

Salley said she’s had the good fortune of working frequently with James. “I’m grateful for his referrals because it not only reflects his confidence in my abilities; but it also grants me the opportunity to provide small business owners the clarity they need to achieve their vision.”
After conducting an initial intake assessment with Sandra, Cheryl was confident the client had a specific destination in mind. “I was impressed by Sandra’s passion, ambition and business acumen. All she needed was some coaching…and a confidence boost,” said Cheryl. With a little help from her friend, Sandra worked methodically to fill the gaps, review the documentation and submit a finely-tuned loan application. “The packet definitely bore Cheryl’s imprint. As with all her products the paperwork was 100 percent compliant,” said Chatfield. “On behalf of the SC Community Loan fund, it was my honor to approve Sandra’s loan request.”
“Cheryl was a blessing,” Sandra said. “She rolled-up her sleeves, helped us tackle the perplexing paperwork and inspired and encouraged us throughout the ordeal. We actually became friends working together.”

With the much needed infusion of capital, Sandra had the means to lease a facility and transform it into a full-service repair shop. This business expansion now puts customers in the driver’s seat. They actually have the luxury of selecting which repair option is most convenient for them. If they prefer, the certified technicians will meet them at their home, office or even a mall. So while Pete’s fast and efficient mobile crews are busy restoring your little deuce coupe to peak performance; you are free to continue working from the office, relaxing at home, dining-out or even shopping for bargains. Let the good times roll!
