State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI)
The South Carolina Small Business Development Center (SBDC) has been selected to launch a new, no-fee program to assist rural business community throughout the entire state.
The State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) is a federal program, funded by the U.S. Department of the Treasury, that is designed to help small businesses access capital to help them start, grow, create new jobs and become sustainable in the state of South Carolina.
Small Businesses and Very Small Businesses with less than ten employees (VSB) are undereducated on where and how to get funding for their business to expand operations through real estate acquisition and capital equipment purchases.
The South Carolina Small Business Development Center assists this effort through its team of experienced SSBCI Business Consultants. These consultants work confidentially, one-on-one with business owners to prepare them to secure the loan financing, whether SSBCI or other sources, they need to start and grow their businesses.
Our consultants work with clients to co-create salient business plans and financial projections that streamline the bank underwriting process, and pave the way to financing that is favorable to the growth of their business.
SSBCI Consultants

David Dougherty
Greenwood Area SSBCI Consultant

Joyce Black
Florence Area SSBCI Business Consultant

Richard Pilston
Greenville Area SSBCI Business Consultant

Rick Vander Weele
Columbia Area SSBCI Business Consultant
We have access to lenders with favorable lending programs that lower the barrier to getting funding. Favorable terms such as lower credit score and lower down payment amounts help the small business population get the funding they need on terms they can afford.
Our SSBCI Consultants are eager to assist you in three areas:
1. Financial Advice / Assistance
Help to write business plans and develop detailed financial projections
Establish relationships with lenders
Guidance on financial management and cash flow
Identify sources of credit, capital & other financing
Understand impediments to getting financing
Prepare loan applications
2. Accounting Services
Set up and utilize sound bookkeeping/accounting systems
Learn about accounting practices and maintaining accurate records
Create financial statements and other key business documents
Assist in reviewing and analyzing financial statements and related information
3. Legal Guidance
Learn types of business structure
Obtain licenses, registrations, certifications
Advice on preparing and executing contract documents
Succession planning/transfer ownership
Reach out today and see how we may be able to position you for business growth.